I’m working backwards a bit. It’s been a strange struggle updating photos on different cyber platforms.  I tend to think that people see my facebook page often or go to Germinate (the company I work for) once and while and see my pictures there.  I’m sure that’s not completely true because even I get sea sick of jumping between places.  So, get ready for mass updates on this page in the ultimate attempt to consolidate my work.
This wedding was taken this past weekend for Germinate. There are more pictures on that website if you’re interested

As Dolf vir Corrien kyk is dit asof niks anders in die wêreld vir hom saak maak nie. Asof hy net vir haar sien en sy die grootste geskenk is waarvoor hy nog altyd gewag het. Dis pragtig om te aanskou. Corrien en Dolf het mekaar in Londen ontmoet en moes maar vir ‘n rukkie die lang afstand verhouding ding doen. Hierdie paartjie het getrou by die Waboomsaal tussen Worcester en Ceres. Meeste van die foto’s het ons toe op Corrien se familie-plaas, Wilgevlei, geneem.

Dit was so ‘n pragtige troue, met die mooiste detail en pragtige blomme. Dankie julle twee vir die eg-plattelandse liefde wat jul vir almal om julle het en hoe welkom julle my laat voel het.

*Dankie ook aan Simey de Klerk wat my geassisteer het op die dag

When Dolf looks at Corrien it’s like nothing else matters.  Like she is the most important thing in the world and this gift he’s been waiting for all his life.  It’s wonderful to see this in action.  This couple met each other in London and spent quite a while doing the long distance thing.  They got married at the Waboomsaal between Worcester and Ceres.  Most of the pictures were taken on Corrien’s family’s farm, Wilgevlei.

It was such a beautiful wedding, with the most beautiful detail and wonderful flowers.

*Thanks to my boyfriend, Simey de Klerk, who assisted me on the day.